Quelles alternatives naturelles pour prévenir l’hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate ?

What natural alternatives to prevent benign prostatic hypertrophy?

One in two men over the age of 50 develop benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) . Discover the keys to preventing these symptoms with a natural routine.
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One in two men over the age of 50 develop benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) . Also known as prostatic hyperplasia or adenoma , this disorder is relatively common. BPH is benign, however, it can be accompanied by urinary discomfort such as difficulty urinating, increased urinary frequency or weak urinary flow. Fortunately, various natural solutions exist to provide comfort and improve the quality of life of these men.

If you feel concerned by these issues or want to prevent them, you are in the right place! In this article you will learn more about benign prostatic hypertrophy and discover the keys to preventing these symptoms through a natural routine.

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

Prostate enlargement is characterized by an increase in the size of the prostate , this is mainly linked to the natural aging process. This gland, located under the bladder and which surrounds the urethra, can impact the urinary system when its growth becomes excessive.

Causes of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)

Prostate enlargement is mainly due to hormonal changes associated with aging. With age, the level of hormones, particularly testosterone, may decrease, while other hormones may increase and accumulate in the prostate, causing it to increase in size.

The susceptibility of certain genes and family history also play a role in the risk of developing this condition. In addition, lifestyle can influence the appearance of BPH: obesity, an unbalanced diet, smoking and diabetes can aggravate the situation.

Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

The prostate, which surrounds the urethra, is the channel through which urine is passed from the bladder to the outside of the body.

When inflammation of the prostate becomes severe, it can compress the urethra and disrupt urine flow . Symptoms of BPH include:

  • Difficulty starting to urinate
  • A frequent need to urinate, especially at night
  • A weak or intermittent urinary stream
  • A feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • A pressing and urgent need to urinate

These issues related to urinary health can significantly impact the quality of life of men, by increasing stress, fatigue and influencing self-confidence. These factors can indirectly affect sexual function, by contributing to erectile dysfunction , by influencing the nerves and blood vessels involved in erection.

What solutions to prevent benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)?

The body is particularly sensitive to what you give it. In order to maintain the health of your organs including the prostate, it is important to follow appropriate dietary recommendations.

No food should be avoided, the main thing is to maintain a balance to have a healthy diet.

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, is beneficial for maintaining a healthy body thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is important to limit the consumption of rich foods such as red meat, saturated fats and processed and very sugary foods, which promote inflammation. Favor anti-inflammatory foods , such as turmeric, ginger, berries, oily fish, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach.

In addition, limit the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and caffeinated drinks , as these habits can put you at risk of greater and faster inflammation of the prostate.

Finally, despite a potentially more sedentary lifestyle with age, practicing regular physical activity , even light to moderate, helps to slow down inflammation. Walking, cycling or other sporting activities are beneficial for general health and prostate health.

Food supplements to improve prostate comfort

To prevent or alleviate symptoms of BPH, taking dietary supplements containing vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts may be beneficial. These ingredients are known for their positive effects on urinary dysfunctions linked to BPH.

Poméol offers a 2 in 1 product: MenPulse . A natural formula composed of vitamins, essential minerals and plant extracts for a combined action on urinary health and sexual vitality. MenPulse is made up of vitamin D and zinc which help regulate prostate growth.

MenPulse contains saw palmetto , also called saw palmetto, whose berries are known for their medicinal properties. Saw palmetto is mainly used to treat urinary and prostate disorders, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing inflammation, it helps improve symptoms of BPH such as more regular, continuous and complete urine flow, as well as more consistent nighttime urinary frequency and more efficient bladder emptying.

African plum is also included in the formula for its beneficial effects on prostate health and the male urinary system. Studies indicate that Pygeum extracts may reduce prostate inflammation and improve urine flow in men with BPH.

Likewise, pumpkin seed oil represents an essential natural ally for the prostate, offering optimal support for its health and urinary comfort, thanks to the alpha-linolenic acid contained in its fatty acids, which helps to regulate inflammatory processes in the prostate.

Finally, as mentioned previously, the symptoms of BPH can have broader repercussions. Associated symptoms such as urinary tract infections, urgent urination and incontinence are often taboo and can cause stress and reduced sexual desire. The Poméol MenPulse formula offers 2 in 1 action to improve urinary health and sexual well-being. The addition of saffron to the formula helps support libido and improve erections.

By adopting a healthy, balanced and careful lifestyle, you can reduce the risk of developing benign prostate disorders. By combining a suitable diet, natural preventive methods and a healthy lifestyle routine, you will maintain a healthy prostate.

Generally, it is recommended to have regular medical follow-ups, and in case of persistent symptoms, consult your treating physician for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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