

Silhouette considered unsightly? Self-confidence affected? Overall state of health impaired by excess weight? You are in the right place with this special slimming and confidence selection. The hardest thing will be to choose !


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Anti-Cellulite Liposculptor Slimming Program Anti-Cellulite Liposculptor Slimming Program
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Cure intense fat burner program with fatty cellulite slimming jelly Cure intense fat burner program with fatty cellulite slimming jelly
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Firming slimming treatment Increases muscle mass, reduces fat mass
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Cure spéciale - Perte de poids renforcée Brûleur 1000 cal équivalent à 1h30 de natation ou 3h de marche

How do you get rid of cellulite? How to burn fat? How to lose weight ? How to lose weight by stopping diets?

Eliminate cellulite, refine your silhouette, firm up, tone up, reduce water retention... Whatever your short and long term goals, knowing the body's natural phenomena is essential to achieve them. The path to self-acceptance is at the heart of our concerns: our mission is to help you understand that what we see on the outside is often only the reflection of internal physiological mechanisms.

How to lose weight effectively and sustainably by burning fat?

Recognize the causes of weight gain: why do we gain weight?

Everyone can gain weight regardless of being male or female, regardless of age.

Weight gain most often results from an imbalance between insufficient physical activity and a diet with too many calories. A calorie is a unit of measurement to quantify the energy provided to the body by the consumption of food. Daily calorie needs vary and depend on several factors: age, sex, body size, type of activity, physical expenditure, state of health. The causes of weight gain are numerous and often linked.

It is possible to gain weight due to circulatory problems and hormonal imbalances. Certain physiological periods in a woman's life - puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, premenopause and menopause - can also encourage weight gain. The hormones involved are generally estrogens, which are responsible for overproduction of adipocytes and can lead to fluid retention. Taking estrogen-progestogen medications (pills), corticosteroids or antihistamines can promote orange peel skin and a tendency to become overweight. There are medications that increase appetite and reduce the feeling of fullness. As a result, we ingest more calories which promotes weight gain. This is the case for anti-depressants and anti-psychotics.

Bad eating habits are obviously involved in the formation of fatty and fibrous cellulite and the appearance of extra pounds. They contribute to the storage and excess fat in the body. In the same way, a prolonged sedentary lifestyle has an impact on the accumulation of lipid reserves, on the swelling of adipocytes and on venous and lymphatic circulation (responsible for aqueous cellulite). The hereditary factor, stress and overall lifestyle should not be neglected when we want to understand where the weight gained and cellulite come from.

What are the best ways to lose weight?

How to lose weight ? The basis of weight loss is to expend more calories than you take in. Indeed, weight loss or gain results from a modification of our caloric intake, or our energy expenditure in order to tip the energy balance.

The more calories the food contains, the greater the energy expenditure must be to compensate for it.

Getting rid of stored and installed fat, eliminating cellulite from the thighs and buttocks, just like losing the pounds that we consider superfluous, is not an impossible mission. The most important thing to achieve this is to adopt the most effective strategy, but above all to find the one that suits you, whether on the plate, in your cosmetics or in your lifestyle habits.

How to burn stored fat naturally and without exercise?

The cornerstone of effective weight loss lies partly on your plate. Dietitians agree that a balanced and varied diet is one of the keys to achieving healthy and lasting weight loss. It is advisable to favor foods with a low glycemic index, fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, cereals and legumes, ban industrial products and prepared meals, avoid foods with a high toxin content (red meats, animal fats), and reduce those too rich in sugar or salt.

Staying hydrated is essential to promote drainage and the elimination of waste, either with water (minimum 1.5L per day) or with drinks known for their draining effect such as green tea. In addition, there are foods known to stimulate circulation, including garlic, onion, certain fruits such as orange and watermelon, or oilseeds (to be consumed without excess).

What is an effective natural fat burner?

An effective natural fat burner contains natural active ingredients capable of targeting fat in different areas of the body and increasing the body's caloric expenditure. The objective of these fat-burning products is to accelerate the basic metabolism and limit fat. This phenomenon is called lipolysis. It is a mechanism that breaks down fats in order to make them easily mobilized by the body and therefore easier to eliminate.

How to lose weight and destroy fat with natural food supplements?

True allies for your weight loss, slimming food supplements will target and burn established fat while helping your body to lose weight sustainably without a restrictive diet. But which natural food supplements should you choose to lose weight?

The fat burner program - 1000 calPomeol 

It is a fat-burning food supplement based on active ingredients of plant origin. It allows you to burn 1000 calories per day for long-lasting action on your figure. By burning so many calories, the body uses more energy and limits fat storage. Natural active ingredients such as apple adipomine or citrus aurantium reduce fat accumulation, sugar absorption and control your weight. In the same range, we find:

The firming slimming food supplementPomeol

It contains an exclusive powerful fat-burning complex, while optimizing your muscle mass. Your body will be firmer with a drying effect felt on your line thanks to this natural and effective fat burner. It is therefore a shock natural food supplement for drying abdominal fat and more generally for losing fat.

How to lose weight after 45, without adverse effects?

The appearance of cellulite and weight fluctuations can occur during hormonal changes, such as menopause. Your efforts to achieve your goals should not be stopped during this period. It is important to act by using products with a reinforced dual action to regulate the discomfort linked to menopause, while eliminating water retention responsible for aqueous cellulite. This 2 in 1 action is found in:

The anti-cellulite food supplement - slimming drainerPomeol

Thanks to its formula concentrated in choice natural active ingredients. It notably contains apple Hydromarc® with anti-oxidant and microcirculation activator properties, coupled with Yam known to fight against hot flashes, sweating and nervousness linked to menopause.

How to lose weight quickly without dieting?

To lose weight effectively, it is necessary to act at each stage of the physiological process of weight gain. This can be done through a natural drinkable slimming solution such asTURBO LINE WEIGHT LOSS 28 DAYS® Poméol. It contains powerful natural ingredients including Nutricible® PP from apple, acting synergistically to regulate and reduce sugars, fats, water and cellulite in your body.

What food supplement should you take to detoxify, drain your body and lose weight?

A meal that is too hearty, a drunken evening, a weekend with friends, an excess of sugars or fats of all kinds... there are many temptations and many reasons to give in! You want to lose weight after a period of excess or simply rid your body of its toxins, so how can you naturally help the body eliminate it? It is advisable to rebalance your diet, eat light for a few days and burn calories. To this can be added a natural drinkable slimming solution designed for rapid line correction:

The detox food supplementTurbo Line 72h Poméol.

It will stimulate the body's elimination functions to evacuate toxins and stored excesses, in particular thanks to Fruline®.

This natural active ingredient acts in synergy with artichoke, celery and cherry to drain your body, purify it and generally fight against the accumulation of fat and water in the tissues.

Which natural food supplement should I choose according to my slimming goals?

The choice of slimming food supplement will depend on your short and long term goals. Say goodbye to cellulite? Lose excess pounds? Burn fat? Eliminate excesses?

If you want to get rid of aqueous cellulite, water retention and regain a toned silhouette, turn to a food supplement rich in draining active ingredients, promoting good circulation and the elimination of toxins such as the natural food supplement HYDROTONIC® Poméol.

If the objective is weight loss and targeting established fats to eliminate them, it is a slimming food supplement promoting the expenditure of calories and the release of fat, such as the natural food supplement LIPO REDUCE BRULEUR 1000® Poméol which it will be necessary to adopt.

Whether you are sporty or not, if you want to make your stubborn fat disappear and find a lighter silhouette, you will need to look for powerful fat-burning active ingredients that preserve your muscle mass! The natural food supplement BRULEUR RAFFERMISSANT® Poméol will be best suited to address this problem.

To eliminate excess, there is nothing like a course of a slimming drinkable food supplement to obtain quickly visible results on your body.

How to eliminate cellulite?

Everything you need to know about cellulite

Although cellulite is not particularly dangerous for your health, it can cause localized pain, discomfort and complexes. Also called orange peel or dimpling, cellulite is the consequence of a change in the structures of fat cells called adipocytes. These cells are housed under the skin in small compartments and are responsible for storing fat in the body.

Nine out of 10 women will have cellulite at some point in their lives, whether they are thin or curvy, sporty or not. Indeed, in women, fat represents 25 to 30% of their weight compared to only 12 to 15% in men. In other words, a woman will have twice as many fat cells as a man. In women, adipocytes will tend to settle around the buttocks, thighs or hips, that is to say in the lower body. Thus, cellulite mainly affects women. Men are not spared from this, however. We find their dimples more at the level of the upper body in the stomach, the shoulders or the neck. But even the arms, ankles or even the neck can harbor these fat cells.

How does cellulite form?

When adipocytes swell and become engorged with fat, they compress blood and lymphatic vessels, blocking the circulation of fluids. There will thus be two major consequences. On the one hand, if fluids circulate poorly (especially lymph), this means that the elimination of toxins is compromised. They will then accumulate and create inflammation in the areas concerned, responsible for swelling and local pain: we are talking aboutwatery cellulite. It is often compared to water retention, because it results from poor venous and lymphatic circulation.

On the other hand, when these accumulations of fat, water and toxins accumulate, the skin is compressed and has no choice but to deform. This is how on the skin surface, an irregular and bumpy orange peel appearance appears: theadipose celluliteis formed. There is also thefibrous cellulitepainful to the touch, and sometimes slightly purplish. It is encrusted, generally for a long time, and therefore more difficult to remove.

These different types of cellulite often coexist because the causes are linked, one favoring the other. We can even speak of mixed cellulite when it mixes adipose and aqueous cellulite. You must know how to recognize them in order to effectively target their elimination.

What treatment to reduce adipose and fibrous cellulite?

The method of local targeting of dimples has already proven its worth by combining an anti-cellulite slimming cream and the ancestral technique of manual or mechanical “palpating rolling” to reinforce its action. This technique dislodges clumps of adipocytes and facilitates lipolysis, therefore the breakdown of fats, to obtain firmer skin in the long term. It consists of first pinching the skin to form “folds” then slowly progressing from bottom to top, and finishing with circular movements to revitalize circulation and delocalize fat cells. If the manual method does not suit you, it is possible to use an electric anti-cellulite suction cup, a classic suction cup or even an anti-cellulite roller, to reproduce pinching.

What slimming cream to apply to areas affected by orange peel. An effective anti-cellulite cream combines the strength of ideally natural active ingredients with a perfect penetrating but non-sticky texture to ensure a high-performance massage. Among the active ingredients recognized for their anti-cellulite properties, we find caffeine and its targeted fat-burning action, but also brown algae or ivy known for releasing and breaking down fatty deposits. These natural active ingredients are found inThe jelly LIPO REDUCE® Poméol, voted best anti-fat cellulite slimming cosmetic by the Cosmetics Observatory. Its anti-cellulite action is reinforced thanks to the combination of two natural active ingredients: Longan core and adipomine from fresh apples. This powerful slimming complex boosts the fat-burning action of caffeine, for even more effectiveness. It is recommended to apply the cream twice a day using massages, or using the “palpate-roll” technique. Its delicately scented jelly texture allows ultra-fast penetration of the product and does not leave sticky marks.

What food supplement to act against adipose and fibrous cellulite?

It is also recommended to combine a natural slimming food supplement such asLIPO REDUCE BURNER 1000® Poméolin order to amplify orally the effects of the anti-cellulite action of the jelly. This natural food supplement will target fat on the stomach, hips or buttocks, whether deep or superficial, to help remove fatty deposits. Rich in vitamins and thanks to bird's-eye trefoil (a herbaceous plant), this natural slimming food supplement also reduces fatigue and stimulates the growth of intestinal microflora. However, it is important to remember that food supplements should not replace a varied and balanced diet.

To get rid of fibrous cellulite, which is more difficult to remove, you will have to redouble your efforts by combining targeted anti-cellulite massage, effective anti-cellulite slimming cream, natural fat-burning food supplements and unfailing motivation!

What to do against watery cellulite?

The main objective is to drain water from the body using products with draining active ingredients. These active ingredients are targeted to reduce water retention, such as fennel, meadowsweet or cherry stems. They are found inanti-cellulite slimming oil HYDRO TONIC ROLL-ON®Poméol, voted best slimming cosmetic by the Cosmetics Observatory. Applying this oil in the morning and/or evening using massages or the “palpate-roll” technique will smooth away wrinkles, drain your skin and tone it. But this anti-aqueous cellulite treatment can be reinforced byfood supplement HYDROTONIC® Poméoland its 4 in 1 action. This natural food supplement has anti-water, anti-cellulite, firmness and weight loss properties thanks to an exclusive anti-oxidant active ingredient: apple Hydromarc®. This ingredient from apple pomace activates microcirculation while protecting the vascular network. This natural slimming food supplement not only acts on the elimination of toxins, but also on the maintenance and tone of your body's circulation. Always in a desire to tone and firm up, we find Hydromarc® in thevolumizing cream BUSTE XXL® Poméol, which offers more targeted treatment on the chest. After application 1 to 2 times a day, the neckline is plumper, firmer, more toned with an effect on its volume.

What is an effective anti-cellulite food supplement?

An anti-cellulite food supplement is effective when it acts deeply to release fat and/or fight against water retention. It supports all your dietary and sporting efforts, and helps eliminate orange peel skin by restoring good venous and lymphatic circulation and targeting installed fats.

An effective anti-cellulite food supplement must contain powerful natural active ingredients which help to break down fat reserves, dislodge adipocytes, firm your skin and finally get rid of adipose, aqueous or fibrous cellulite. Coupled with a healthy lifestyle, natural anti-cellulite food supplements will be formidable allies to support you in your fight against cellulite!

Against excess pounds and for effective weight loss: good habits to adopt every day

Regular physical activity combined with a balanced diet can only be beneficial in helping you lose the pounds you want. Cardio training allows you to burn calories efficiently, just like rowing, the elliptical bike, running or even swimming. Targeted strength training exercises will strengthen your muscle mass and burn fat throughout the day.

To limit the appearance of cellulite and cause circulatory problems, you must avoid wearing tight clothing that could hinder circulation or heels that are too high. Tobacco is not recommended because it can disrupt blood circulation. In addition, since heat causes dilation of the vessels which become permeable and allow water to circulate towards the cells, it is preferable to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and baths that are too hot.

Combine food supplements or drinkable slimming solutions with creams or oils, without forgetting a varied diet and targeted exercises: so many tips for achieving your slimming goals, and moving a little closer each day towards accepting your body and your personal well-being.