A contraction of the words "apple" and "therapy", this term designates the act of acting positively on the well-being of the body and mind thanks to the benefits of the apple and its active ingredients.

Full of polyphenols (commonly called tannins), the apple is the source of more than twenty active molecules from all parts of the fruit and its tree: flesh, skin, seed, flower, bud, bark and root. It alone constitutes a high-end raw material with unsuspected powers : apple water has the power to regenerate, apple fibers act as a powerful appetite suppressant, as for apple oil, it is fabulously moisturizing...

The potential of the French's favorite fruit is immense and, combined with cutting-edge expertise , it can become unique : this is the vision of Maison Poméol .

The apple thus constitutes the DNA of the brand, better still, it is its signature.

All enriched with apple active ingredients, Poméol food and cosmetic supplements constitute an effective response to the desire to cultivate one's well-being and beauty in a respectful and reasoned manner.

Daily, Poméol continues its mission which is to extract the excellence of this universal fruit to restore it in the form of exceptional treatments and cures: this is Pomothérapie ®.