Solar food supplements
The sun is not only essential for the life of any organism and for the regulation of your biological rhythms.
This natural source of light also plays an essential role in your mental and physical health. The benefits of the sun are multiple and have a real impact on your body. The appearance of the sun's rays during the day is often synonymous with a good mood, accompanied by a desire to feel this gentle warmth on your skin and to tan. This tanned and sought-after tan is none other than a natural defense reaction of the body to protect itself from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
A healthy body allows this means of defense to take place correctly and ensure a beautiful golden tan. In addition, adopting a suitable sunscreen and effective sunscreen food supplements will allow you to give your skin a lasting tan, without the risk of damaging it.
However, unprotected and uncontrolled exposure to the sun can have harmful effects. Beyond painful sunburns, the increased occurrence of skin cancers (melanomas), allergies and even premature aging of the skin are risks to take into account before exposing yourself to the sun without protection.
How to get a beautiful tan?
What are the benefits of the sun?
Among the many benefits of the sun, we mainly find its action on the synthesis of vitamin D. This “sun vitamin” is synthesized in the skin thanks to UV-B solar radiation. Indeed, the light produced by the sun presents three types of ultraviolet radiation: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C, each having different effects on the body. Exposure of 15 to 30 minutes each day helps create active forms of vitamin D, essential for strengthening the immune system, the growth of children, the prevention of osteoporosis and the preservation of bone stock in adults. . It is preferable to favor sunny periods in the morning and at the end of the day to avoid damaging your skin.
Good exposure to the sun also helps regulate biological rhythms and the internal clock. The body, and in particular sleep, are synchronized thanks to light. Thus, sunlight transmits signals to the brain, to encourage it to produce specific hormones which will permanently regulate the body. In addition, a link between mental health and sunshine has been highlighted, to show that the level of sunshine can largely influence our mood. By stimulating well-being hormones, the sun gives us good mood, energy and dynamism. Sun exposure also stimulates cognitive abilities, increases physical activity and helps reduce seasonal fatigue.
One of the beneficial effects of the sun particularly sought after by both women and men is of course tanning! It is characterized by a defense reaction of skin cells: melanocytes which produce melanin, giving the skin a darker color under the effect of UV rays. Depending on the skin type, the reaction to the rays will be different and will result in a more or less rapid or slow response, or even no reaction.
What solar index for tanning?
Sun protection indices correspond to safety levels present in sun protection products (e.g. sun cream) to avoid suffering from unpleasant sunburns. They are generally known as “SPF” for Sunburn Protection Factor, equivalent in English to Sun Protection Factor (SPF). There are four of them and constitute a measuring tool against UV-B rays, considered to be the most dangerous in the event of solar exposure.
So, what is an SPF used for? It allows you to know the amount of sun and UV rays that you can receive without a sunburn appearing after applying sun protection. This means, for example, that an SPF 20 sunscreen will delay the appearance of a sunburn by 20 times. There are 4 classes of SPF: low (6 to 10), medium (15 to 25), high (30 to 50), very high (50 and +). The higher the protection index, the more protection in the sun will be important. Sunscreens with an SPF below 30 are recommended for black or dark skin. So the lighter your skin is, the more you will need to choose a high SPF sunscreen to effectively protect your body and face from sunburn and premature aging. The choice of cream, oil, mist or sun spray depends on your skin type.
If you tend to tan easily, a factor 30 sunscreen will allow you to be protected while tanning. Be careful to apply it at least every 2 hours in a thick layer! For fair and very fair skin, therefore much more sensitive to the sun, it is advisable to use sun protection products with a high SPF such as SPF 50. This will obviously not prevent you from tanning! Tanning and sun protection are absolutely compatible to preserve your skin while sporting a pretty golden complexion.
How much exposure to the sun to tan?
Unfortunately, a nice tan cannot appear in one day because the skin needs to get used to the sun's rays. Tanning evenly and sustainably requires perseverance and the right products! In fact, a quality tan is obtained with a daily exposure time which is measured in minutes and not hours! In addition, the time of exposure to the sun for the skin to tan also depends on your skin type.
The ideal duration of sun exposure is between 10 and 15 minutes per day (20 minutes for dark skin), with a maximum exposure time of 4 hours per week. It is also essential to choose the right times to expose yourself to the sun. Avoid sun exposure between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., as the UV rays will be too powerful and dangerous for the skin. Be careful of sunburn! It only takes 30 minutes to see it appear on your body.
Don't forget to always use sunscreen generously with a sufficient sun index from the first exposure to the sun of the day, and reapply it over the hours! Newborns and young children should not be exposed to the sun for any length of time. In addition, pregnant women and their very sensitive skin must be intensely protected with a total screen before enjoying the sunny days! Pregnancy notably carries risks of hyperpigmentation and dehydration during exposure to the sun.
How to maintain a beautiful tan?
The first step to having a beautiful golden tan and a tanned complexion is above all to prepare your skin well to face the sun's rays. Adopting solar food supplements such as tanning capsules, tanning activators, tanning capsules or pills will help you accelerate or activate your tan. Add to this the scrubs once a week to remove dead skin, without forgetting to deeply hydrate the skin! The exfoliation will allow you to obtain skin with a more regular texture and therefore an even tan. Beautifully tanned skin is therefore well-prepared and properly hydrated skin! Also happily eat fruits and vegetables that are good for your complexion such as carrots, watermelons, apricots, melons or cherries! The beautiful glow of the tan will be even more visible on a deeply hydrated epidermis.
We can never repeat it enough, but to enjoy a beautiful tan, you will need to protect yourself from the sun by using sun protection products! Sun creams, oils, sprays, mists with appropriate protection factors… Everything can work to prevent sunburn and promote beautiful tanned skin!
What natural food supplement should you adopt to prepare the skin for the sun?
To effectively prepare your skin for the sun and give your tan a boost, natural solar food supplements will be your allies as soon as the sunny days arrive! In capsules, capsules or tablets, sun food supplements boost the natural phenomenon of tanning while preparing the skin to tan quickly and intensely.
The natural solar food supplement SUBLIMATEUR® Poméol
It is a powerful sun preparer designed to gradually activate melanin, protect and enhance the skin while adding shine to hair during tanning. It contains an exclusive Poméol active ingredient: Pomadermine® SQ-15 which concentrates an apple polyphenol extracted from the flesh of fresh and immature apples harvested by hand. This natural active ingredient in this solar food supplement provides protection against UV-induced oxidative stress, and interacts directly with ACE vitamins for enhanced action. This natural food supplement combines 13 active ingredients and numerous natural pigments and nutrients to protect the skin and hair from the sun, enhance them and gradually activate the tan.
If you haven't had time to prepare your skin before going on vacation, there is a natural sun food supplement perfect for latecomers! The SUN EXPRESS® Poméol food supplement has a natural pigmentation booster complex for ideal tanning preparation in the event of imminent sun exposure. Its complete and rich formula combining 11 active ingredients including copper, selenium, vitamin A, C, D3 and E and Pomadermine®-SQ15 makes it a perfect time formula for intense and express preparation for the sun. So, in addition to protecting your skin, you will quickly obtain a golden complexion. This true natural tanning accelerator is suitable for all skin types.
Which natural food supplement should you choose for sunless tanning?
If you don't have the opportunity to be in the sun all year round, or if you want to arrive on vacation with already a tanned complexion, these are the self-tanning food supplements that you should adopt! These self-tanning capsules or tablets increase the level of melanin to obtain attractive pigmentation of the skin.
The natural solar food supplement SELF-TANNING Poméol
It contains an exclusive ingredient, Nutricible® Colorboost, highly concentrated in natural pigments stimulating the synthesis of melanin and natural coloring of the skin. This natural food supplement is even effective without exposure to the sun, in other words even in winter! These natural self-tanning tablets have the particularity of having a dual action both to promote a golden tan and also to act on the firmness of the skin. The AUTOBRONZANT® Poméol food supplement ensures a healthy glow and natural, uniform coloring even without sun exposure!
How to maintain a beautiful tan?
A few simple tips to integrate into your routine will allow you to keep a beautiful tan for several more weeks! Moisturizing your face and body daily is one of the secrets to a long-lasting tan. We must not forget that tanning is associated with drying out of the skin which should be limited as much as possible so as not to say goodbye too quickly to your tanned complexion! It is advisable to gently exfoliate your body to remove dead skin. In fact, scrubs will not make your tan disappear! On the contrary, they will reveal its shine so that it lasts as long as possible. Don't hesitate to stock up on vitamins through food or by taking sunscreen food supplements to prolong your tan from the inside.
Natural food supplements for the sun, combined with good hydration and a balanced diet, will guarantee you a tanned complexion, a golden tan and sublimated skin for a long time to come!