Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement
Transit food supplement

Transit food supplement

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Flat stomach and anti-bloating tablets - Regularity of transit

Vitality, feeling of well-being and balance... depend, among other things, on digestive comfort. This food supplement helps you combat various digestive problems: irregular transits, bloating, painful intestinal gas, nausea and feelings of always full stomach. For newfound daily comfort!

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Livraison entre 3 et 5 jours
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12,34 €

Format : Comprimés de petite taille
 : Obtenir un transit régulier, un ventre plat et confortable
Ingrédients clés : 13 actifs dont menthe poivrée, lotier corniculé, matricaire et chlorelle.
Utilisation : Prise ajustable, démarrer par un comprimé par jour, puis augmenter à 2 si cela est nécessaire.
Formule :
• Active et régule le transit dès la première prise
• Aide à combattre les inconforts digestifs
• Aide à réduire les ballonnements dès le 1er jour et durablement
• Élaboré sans charbon et argile pour éviter les interférences médicamenteuses
• Format économique 2 mois
• Efficacité prouvée*
Actif star : Vitaphénol®C2 contient de puissants polyphénols et nutriments qui agissent pour lutter contre le stress oxydatif lié à un dérèglement de la digestion et du transit.
Résultats visibles :
- Diminution de la sensation de ballonnement de 30% dès le 1er jour sur l'ensemble des volontaires.
- 96% des volontaires ont constaté une diminution des ballonnements après 30 jours de cure *
- Amélioration de la qualité du transit de 41% dès la 1ère prise et de 122% après 30 jours. *
* Étude d'efficacité et de tolérance menée sur 25 volontaires pendant 30 jours.

Questions fréquentes
Progesterone is a mainly female hormone secreted by the cells of the ovaries. In men, this hormone is also produced in small quantities in the testicles and adrenal glands. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscle fibers of the uterus but also of the intestine. Results? This hormone can cause a slowing of transit, causing bloating or constipation.
Several factors promote a slowing down of transit: lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, taking certain medications, an unbalanced diet too low in fiber or insufficient hydration.
Our intestinal transit is related to our digestion. It describes the work done by our small intestine and colon to move the contents of the stomach to the rectum, where it is eliminated as stool. Digested food is pushed through the intestine using a mechanical movement called peristaltic waves.
The state of your transit is directly linked to what you eat. Some foods have a higher capacity for water retention or fermentation in the intestine. These are the foods that should be avoided. This is the case for foods rich in soluble fiber such as bananas or carrots. This is also the case for processed or white cereals (e.g. baguette, rice). Red meat is also not recommended.
The French National Society of Colo-Proctology (SNFCP) considers that intestinal transit is normal when stool evacuation varies between 3 stools per day and 3 stools per week.
A digestive cycle lasts about 24 hours from the entry of food into the mouth to its excretion in the form of stool. The meal spends about 4 hours in the stomach and then another 4 hours in the small intestine. This is where the nutrients are absorbed. The last stay of the meal is in the colon which lasts about 16 hours. The rest of the food is fermented by our beneficial intestinal flora before defecation.
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Bloating, intestinal gas, nausea, feeling of always full stomach: all signs of transit problems! Disturbed digestion and intestinal transit are detrimental to your well-being. Faced with digestive disorders you have to react to feel lighter.

Transit disorders are characterized at two extremes by slow intestinal transit (lazy intestine and sluggish colon) or too rapid intestinal transit (active transit). In all cases, disturbed intestinal transit must be pampered to return to a state of well-being.

In the case of intestinal transit that is too slow, we must try to facilitate transit either through foods that promote transit, a healthier lifestyle, etc. Slow transit can lead to occasional constipation. Conversely, for too rapid a transit; the priority is to slow down transit and increase stool volume. Diet and lifestyle are still essential pillars for restoring intestinal health.

The transit calls on our beneficial intestinal flora, it is important to take care of it. Discover Poméol TransitPulse®, a digestion and transit food supplement, providing global answers to each problem. For normal transit and optimal intestinal comfort, our formula will act gently to help rebalance the digestive system and facilitate intestinal transit.

The formula of this transit and digestion food supplement was created by a doctor of Pharmacy and a team of engineers and pharmacists. It is made in France and meets all food safety criteria.