perte de poids après les fêtes

Slimming Detox: How to eliminate excesses after the holidays?

Your main resolution for the coming year? Eliminate toxins accumulated during the holidays and regain your figure!

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Champagne, frozen log, foie gras, chocolates… Festive meals often rhyme with excess. You had a great time during the holidays and you were totally right!

Alas, now the pleasure has given way to regrets... Stomach ache after the holidays, intestinal discomfort and bloating, all signs felt the day after the holidays which alert you to the state of your liver and your disturbed digestive system.

Do not panic ! We reveal the solutions for weight loss after the holidays and so that you feel better in your body and in your mind.

Food to eat after the holidays to lose weight

A detox generally lasts 3 to 7 consecutive days. The secret to losing the accumulated pounds lies in learning to rebalance your diet after the holidays.

The key to a successful detox program? Start off on a good basis and adopt a healthy lifestyle . Eh yes ! A detox after the holidays begins with a good hydration and an balanced diet.

You then ask yourself: but how to lose weight after the holidays?

What to drink after the holidays?

We reassure you right away, it’s not an easy task! Even if good hydration is the key to a detox treatment!

It is recommended that you hydrate well, making sure to drink at least 1.5 or even 2 L of water per day. In fact, water promotes intestinal transit and facilitates the work of the kidneys. This therefore allows water-soluble toxins to be evacuated more easily. The ideal is to hydrate throughout the day by focusing on water, herbal teas, tea and lemon juice. Of course, sugary sodas and fruit juices should be avoided.

What to eat after the holidays?

Don't forget that soup is also your best friend for losing weight after the holidays. In addition to being low in sugar and fat, it has the advantage of being rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. As a result, the soup hydrates, remineralizes the body and boosts the elimination of toxins. It’s the perfect post-holiday meal!

In order to maintain a balanced diet, we recommend that you supplement your soup with a protein intake such as lean meat, fish or eggs. This will help you avoid cravings and promote development of your muscular mass.

In addition, to optimize your diet after the holidays, it is interesting to favor diuretic foods like artichoke, parsley or even celery. They will allow you to facilitate your digestion and eliminate more effectively toxins .

Now that you know that good hydration is essential for rapid weight loss detox, the question is: what to eat after the holidays?

Eating healthy after the holidays starts with restriction of alcohol and foods that are too fatty and/or too sweet . Thus, cheeses, cold meats, fried foods and sweets should be banned. It is also best to consume as little processed food or industrial meal replacements as possible. Be careful, this does not mean that you should avoid every drop of fat. Certain fats such as unsaturated fats (Omega 3, 6 and 9) are indispensable for the proper functioning of our body. An easy tip to adopt: replace butter with vegetable oils such as olive, rapeseed or walnut oil when preparing your dishes.

What about vegetables ? Choose those steamed to preserve maximum vitamins and minimize fat intake.

As for the proteins , it is recommended to favor white meats (less fatty than red), fish and lean dairy products such as natural yogurts, skyr or Faisselle.

There is no question of removing the starchy foods of our food. These are an essential source of energy for the body. On the other hand, when you want to lose weight, controlling their quantity becomes necessary. Then think about reduce your portions of starchy foods (around 160 g at lunchtime and 40 g of wholemeal bread in the evening) and to promote semi-complete starchy foods as well as legumes (red/white beans, peas, beans, lentils, etc.).

However, who says dietary rebalancing means possibility of cravings ... If these cravings for snacks are insurmountable, we advise you to carry out not 3, but 5 meals per day. (Beware, gourmands: a meal does not mean having a starter, a main course and a dessert five times a day! It is rather a question of dividing the equivalent of the 3 usual meals into five meals.

As you have understood, the main thing is to eat a light meal after the holidays and to focus your diet around foods rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Fruits, cooked or raw vegetables, legumes, lean meats and dairy products are your best slimming allies. For best results, we advise you to reduce your fat and sugar intake by half. These valuable tips will allow you to compensate for a major overeating committed during the holidays and to start a effective and sustainable weight loss.

Of course, practicing physical activity will help you to burn calories And eliminate toxins accumulated during the holidays. No need for an intensive program! Whether it's running, walking or even yoga, all you need is 20 minutes a day to get back in shape quickly after the holidays. So remember to take the time to get some fresh air, you will feel the beneficial effects on your silhouette but also your mind!

Slimming detox recipe idea after the holidays

To help you feel better and achieve your slimming goal, here are some examples of meal ideas after Christmas.

Detox menu after parties:

Breakfast :

- A cup of green tea without sugar

- A skyr with oatmeal and blueberries

- Homemade squeezed orange juice

Lunch :

- A slice of wholemeal bread

- Cod papillote with homemade ratatouille

- An apple for dessert

Light post-holiday recipe: Cod papillotes with ratatouille for 2 people


2 cod steaks

250 g of homemade ratatouille

1/2 yellow lemon

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Salt, Pepper, Herbs of Provence


1. Cut 2 large sheets of baking paper then fold them into straws. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

2. Place the ratatouille at the bottom of the papillotes. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with Provence herbs.

3. Cover the ratatouille with a little lemon and place the cod steak on top. Add salt and pepper, then finish with a slice of lemon on the fish.

4. Pour a drizzle of olive oil onto each piece then close the foil.

5. Bake for 30 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes and enjoy!

Dinner :

- 2 slices of turkey breast

- Celery, apple, carrot soup

post-holiday slimming recipe: Celery, apple, carrot soup


  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 apple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1 clove of garlic, chopped
  • 60 cl of water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt pepper


1. Brown the garlic and onion in olive oil for 5 min

2. Add the celery, apple, and chopped carrots, grated ginger and brown everything for 5 minutes.

3. Add the water, bring to the boil then simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Blend until smooth, season and serve.

Your slimming detox cure with our drainers

You don't have enough time to practice sport regularly, you are motivated to eliminate excesses but you need to boost your efforts?

It is possible to maximize your slimming efforts by stimulating the body by taking slimming food supplements in just 3 days. The Turbo Line 72h Detox Drainer solution does not claim to be a miracle solution but it allows you to get the most out of a dietary and physical rebalancing.

This detox drink to drink is concentrated in active ingredients, easy to use, economical, and allows you to facilitate water drainage and impurities retained in tissues and thus initiate a weightloss.

Its formula combines cherry and celery to promote drainage and the body's elimination functions. The artichoke as for him favors weight loss.

As a result, you rid your body of its impurities and excesses stored during the end-of-year holidays!

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