Comment éliminer efficacement la cellulite ?

How to effectively eliminate cellulite?

There are no miracle recipes for getting rid of cellulite. However, anti-cellulite methods, some better

What are the best anti-cellulite methods?

Cellulite ? It's THE pet peeve of all women and sometimes even men. A real scourge, it affects both thin and round body types. There cellulite , or superficial lipodystrophy , most of the time found in the lower areas of the body , namely the thighs and buttocks, but also sometimes in the arms and stomach.

This subcutaneous fat deposits gives your skin an orange peel appearance, hence its nickname. And despite this very cute little vitamin name, we would prefer to knock out the padded appearance of our goddess body. Beauty tips and routines can be adopted to improve the firmness of our epidermis

Simple steps to fight cellulite

It exists three types of cellulite , each having different causes:

  • There watery cellulite : Barely visible, it is linked to the Water retention due to a poor venous and lymphatic circulation .
  • There adipose cellulite : It is the result of a excess fat storage and is located in the hypodermis, the deep layer of the skin.
  • There fibrous cellulite : Hard and painful when pinched, fibrous cellulite is the most difficult to treat.

It is important to understand that orange peel skin is the result of fats trapped under your skin . A Healthy eating coupled with physical activity prevents its appearance but will not be enough to dislodge it. Our tip? The massage! Yes, yes, for once you don't have to suffer to be beautiful!

THE palpate-roll , which involves folding and rolling the skin with the fingers, is the most effective technique. Tools are designed to make your life easier. We are thinking in particular of the use of an anti-cellulite suction cup which reproduces the palpate-rolling effect effectively. Inexpensive and easy to use solution, it is recognized for deeply dislodge cellulite to obtain a firming effect .

Optimize your anti-cellulite massage

THE slimming oils promote the drainage and amplify the effect of the massage. They allow smooth the upholstery , disinfiltrate tissues And tone the skin . Poméol HYDRO TONIC Roll-On Oil combines the properties of Nutricible® 131 HD Apple Who promotes skin microcirculation to a drainer based on wintergreen , from grapefruit , cedar and of rosemary , enriched with retinol , vitamins Has been , sesame oils , Apricot kernels and coffee . It is applied in the morning and evening to the areas to be treated using a roll-on, ideal for massaging effectively. However, you can complete the treatment with the anti-cellulite suction cup for even better results.

Eliminate cellulite from the inside

Draining products play an essential role in fat removal. They help promote waste elimination in your body improving circulation . Based on plants or fruits, these food supplements often take the form of capsules. These products should be used as part of a healthy and balanced diet and not as meal replacements. Do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor if in doubt.

There are food supplements specially dedicated to reduction of the orange peel appearance . The patented HYDRO TONIC formula contains 4 benefits: anti-water, anti-cellulite, firmness and weight loss . It helps eliminate water contained in tissues thanks to its formula enriched with fennel, meadowsweet and cherry stem. THE grape marc which it contains, for its part, helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite, refine the silhouette and control weight .

How to limit fat storage?

After action, prevention! You are probably aware that regular physical activity and a balanced diet help maintaining a healthy weight and prevents the appearance of cellulite.

There Orange peel is favored by adopting a diet rich in refined sugar and bad fats. We think in particular of candies, cakes and treats of all kinds as well as butter, cheeses and cold meats. As with all good things, it is advisable to consume them in moderation, for a healthy mind in a healthy body!

Sport, the best anti-cellulite ally

Adopt a healthy lifestyle and activate your metabolism through good sports sessions promote the elimination of fat And thus avoid storage .

When it comes to sport, you have the choice, you just have to find the motivation! THE endurance activities such as cycling, skipping rope, running or brisk walking promote high energy expenditure. The elliptical bike is recommended for all people returning to activity or having joint pain.

THE water sports also have a good reputation in the fierce fight we have with our cellulite. Because they activate blood circulation, water sports act as natural drainers thanks to the action of water on your velvet skin. We put on our prettiest jersey (always more motivating) and we rush to register for aquagym , at swimming or to aquacycling ,!

Performing bodybuilding exercises to tone targeted areas, those where cellulite has taken up residence, proves extremely effective. For this, there is no need for the latest equipment or an unlimited subscription to a gym. An elastic band also allows easy exercise sessions at home by acting on muscle firming.

The best anti-cellulite ? Fair mixture of draining massages , specially dedicated massage oil , physical activity and a adapted diet . We complete the ritual with draining food supplements , which will promote microcirculation, a key step in fat removal. Your dream body, smooth and toned skin !

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