Quels sont les différents types de cellulite et comment prévenir leur apparition ?

What are the different types of cellulite and how can you prevent their appearance?

In this article, we will explore the characteristics of each type of cellulite and share effective strategies to prevent their appearance.
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Cellulite , often considered an enemy to be eradicated as quickly as possible, can appear in people of all genders, ages and body shapes.

It is a term used to describe the appearance of bumpy or dimpled skin and commonly seen on the thighs, buttocks, and sometimes on the abdomen and arms. Universal, this phenomenon nevertheless appears predominantly and unfairly most often among women: It is estimated that 8 out of 10 women are affected by cellulite.

Although it is a normal and natural phenomenon, it is most often judged as unaesthetic, unsightly, or even synonymous with poor lifestyle!

So if you are one of the people bothered by the appearance of orange peel, you are in the right place! In this article, we'll explore the characteristics of each type of cellulite and share effective strategies to prevent its appearance, so you can maintain smooth, firm skin.

Factors favoring the appearance of cellulite

Cellulite is caused by an accumulation of subcutaneous fat combined with a change in the structure of the connective tissues under the skin which ends up causing the so little appreciated orange peel effect!


More present in women , this is explained in particular by a combination of anatomical, hormonal and genetic factors. Indeed, the structure of the skin is different from that of men. Women tend to have a structure and arrangement of fat that is more likely to grow against connective tissue and skin, creating the characteristic appearance of cellulite. Female hormones, such as estrogen, can also influence fat distribution, blood circulation and water retention, all factors involved in the appearance of cellulite!


May also play a role in predisposing to cellulite, if a woman has a family history of cellulite she will be more likely to develop it.

Cellulite is a physiological and non-pathological phenomenon, with multiple causes. Three main factors are involved in the appearance of this phenomenon: water retention , excess adipose tissue and fibrosis . While there are many solutions to this problem, the first thing is to define the type of cellulite concerned to be able to act on the right levers to regulate it.

The different types of cellulite

Cellulite can present itself in different forms, exactly three: aqueous, adipose or fibrous cellulite .

Aqueous Cellulite

When the skin has mild bumps or a feeling of swelling, it is called aqueous cellulite , which is characterized by excessive water retention in the subcutaneous tissues.

Every day, our cells filter around 20 liters of water. Normally, filtered water is removed from the body through the lymphatic system and bloodstream. However, when blood circulation is poor and the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, water can stagnate in the tissues, creating a bumpy appearance and heavy feeling. Excessive water retention in the subcutaneous tissues can be caused by several factors such as hormonal imbalance.

Common symptoms of watery cellulite include heavy legs, varicose veins, or swelling in the ankles. Unlike other types of cellulite, watery cellulite can be visible without the skin needing to be pinched.

Adipose (or fatty) Cellulite:

The main characteristic of adipose cellulite is flabby, wavy skin, which may have waves or dips when pinched. Unlike fibrous cellulite which can be painful to the touch, adipose cellulite is generally painless.

Adipose cellulite may be associated with a thickening of the surface layer of adipose tissue, which means an abnormal increase in the number (hypertrophy) or size (hyperplasia) of fat cells, also called adipocytes, in key areas such as the thighs, buttocks and arms.

When we gain weight, our body stores fat in specific areas. If fat cells become too numerous and large, it can cause compression of blood and lymphatic vessels, disrupting normal circulation and the body's ability to effectively eliminate toxins.

This can cause inflammation and worsen the appearance of cellulite. In addition to a genetic predisposition, an imbalance between fat intake and expenditure can promote the appearance of adipose cellulite. Excess weight can be a trigger because it increases the amount of fat stored in the body.

However, it is important to note that even thin people can have fatty cellulite. This underlines the fact that adipose cellulite is not exclusively linked to excess weight, but rather to fat distribution and individual anatomical characteristics.

Fibrous Cellulite

The main causes of fibrous cellulite are the abnormal hardening and shrinking of the collagen fibers that pass through the fatty layer of the skin, often associated with poor blood circulation, weight gain or hormonal fluctuations.

As a result, the skin is pulled down giving the appearance of orange peel and fat cells are compressed between the deeper skin structures and the surface of the skin, creating depressions in the skin called “dimpling”.

Fibrous cellulite is often located on the saddlebags, buttocks and knees. Often old, fibrous cellulite is hard to the touch, visible to the naked eye and can be painful. The main symptom of fibrous cellulite is the appearance of dimpling, crater-shaped depressions, quite marked and mainly present on the buttocks and thighs. It is one of the most difficult types of cellulite to eliminate.

Anti-cellulite tips

Good news: whatever your type of cellulite, it is not irreversible but will take more or less time! Reducing fatty cellulite will notably require more time, perseverance and the adoption of a comprehensive approach.

Certain simple actions can be put in place to limit the appearance of cellulite of any type . Significant results can be achieved with perseverance and consistency in efforts to improve the overall health of the body. Lifestyle plays a key role in cellulite prevention.

A balanced diet

It is essential to keep control of your weight by adopting a balanced diet . A balanced diet involves limiting processed foods, high in sugar and fat, which can contribute to fat accumulation and water retention. Instead, choose fresh foods that are rich in nutrients and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables that are also rich in water, whole grains and lean proteins. It is also recommended to limit salt intake, as it can lead to additional water retention in fatty tissues.

Good hydration

In addition to diet, it is important to maintain good hydration of the skin by drinking enough water, particularly in cases of watery cellulite. This promotes the elimination of toxins and helps maintain adequate hydration at the cellular level.

Physical activity

Sport and physical activity must also be part of the lifestyle to prevent or fight against established cellulite. To reduce the appearance of fatty cellulite, for example, it is recommended to maintain a healthy weight and promote an active lifestyle. Exercising regularly, especially physical activities that combine cardio and strength training, can help burn fat and tone muscles. Likewise, to prevent the appearance of fibrous cellulite, it is important to practice muscle strengthening exercises to develop muscles.


In addition to sport, massages which stimulate lymphatic drainage can be particularly interesting. To do this, using moisturizing creams or lotions can be beneficial. These products can help maintain skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of cellulite. Poméol offers two products with different textures for application and action according to your needs. The oil can be used to firm the skin and smooth the appearance of cellulite (dimpling). The jelly refines and tones the silhouette.

Clothes not too tight

In addition to lifestyle changes, certain habits can be adopted, such as limiting the wearing of tight clothing that could hinder blood circulation in areas prone to cellulite.

Food supplements

In case of persistent cellulite or a desire for faster results, it is possible to take slimming food supplements which will allow action from the inside.

Poméol offers an anti-cellulite food supplement which helps to lose weight and gain firmness by fighting against cellulite in particular by acting against water retention. The skin is then smoother and firmer.


As you can see, cellulite is a common manifestation and is not necessarily linked to the health or weight of the affected individual. Please note that this phenomenon is not immutable and can change over the course of life! The important thing: that it does not become a source of complexes or anxiety! We have seen the adoption of a healthy lifestyle and small daily reflexes: these are the first actions to adopt to prevent cellulite. Nevertheless, the multifactorial nature of cellulite demonstrates the usefulness of global and personalized care.

By understanding the different types of cellulite and adopting preventative strategies specific to each type, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of cellulite appearing and maintain smooth, firm skin. Remember, patience and consistency are key in the cellulite prevention process, so stay committed to your efforts to maintain healthy, radiant skin!

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