menu défenses naturelles

Strengthened immunity with a special natural defense menu

Strengthened immunity with a special natural defense menu: prepare to strengthen your defenses against viruses and bacteria with a suitable diet!

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What is immunity?

Immunity is the body's ability to defend itself against bacteria and viruses. It manifests itself through an immune reaction which is both innate and acquired.

What happens when our body encounters a pathogenic microorganism?

Whether it is a virus or a bacteria, the invader must first pass through the skin and mucous membranes. Once in the body, it will be recognized by our cells as a foreign body. This is when the immune system activates its defenses. The body produces different cells (white blood cells) capable of attacking and destroying these unwanted guests and protecting the body.

How to stimulate and increase your immune defenses?

To have a top immune system, it is important:

  • To practice regular physical activity
  • To have restful sleep
  • And a healthy and balanced diet

But to stimulate our natural defenses, diet also plays an important role: minerals and vitamins help to boost our immune system.

This is particularly true of vitamins C, D, B6, iron and zinc.

Also consider our immunity food supplement .

Stimulate your immune system: the foods to favor

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals play an important role in the immune system. These are therefore the ones who must be privileged.

  • Starches and pulses: bulgur, potatoes, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, semolina, cooked rice, quinoa, lentils, corn
  • Vegetables: avocados, carrots, red peppers, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, artichoke
  • Fish & meat: tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, chicken, beef, veal liver
  • Fruits: kiwi, papaya, guava, acerola cherry, pomelo, orange, persimmon, coconut, banana
  • Miscellaneous: flax seeds, sesame seeds, wheat petals, hazelnuts, walnuts, garlic, dill, ginger, honey

A day to boost your immune system thanks to your diet

A special natural defense breakfast

  • Stirred yogurt, wheat petals, nuts and kiwi, ginseng honey
  • Orange/pomelo juice

A lunch to boost your immunity

  • Red peppers with garlic and vinaigrette
  • Creamy Spinach Salmon (see recipe below)
  • Fragrant rice
  • Greek yogurt with honey
  • Khaki

A snack to strengthen your body

  • Cherry yogurt drink
  • Dry hazelnut biscuits
  • Ginger and lemon tea

A dinner against winter ills

  • Asparagus soup
  • Garlic and carrot chicken with bulgur
  • Goat cheese
  • Sesame bread
  • Vanilla rice pudding

The ideal recipe to strengthen your immune system: salmon with creamy spinach

Ingredients for 4 persons

  • 4 salmon fillets, skin removed
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 90g of fresh sheep's cheese
  • 200g frozen leaf spinach, thawed
  • 2 teaspoons (10 g) minced garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) minced garlic
  • 4 tablespoons (60 ml) lemon juice
  • 100 ml light cream
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill


  • Place the salmon fillets on a flat surface and season them on both sides with salt, pepper, and lemon juice.
  • Cut a slit about 3/4 of the way through, being careful not to cut all the way through the fish.
  • Squeeze the spinach to release excess liquid
  • In a medium bowl, combine the spinach, sheep's cheese and garlic. Salt and pepper.
  • Garnish the salmon slits with 1-2 tablespoons of the spinach mixture and spread it evenly with the back of the spoon.
  • Heat oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Add the salmon and cook until golden brown (about 6 to 7 minutes).
  • Carefully flip and cook on the other side until golden and cooked through (another 6-7 minutes, depending on the size of your fillets).
  • Melt the garlic in the lemon juice in a pan and add 100 ml of light cream, top and sprinkle with dill leaves.

Serve hot with fragrant rice or potatoes

Editor: Béatrice Polidori - to be found on twist and diet

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