Qu'est-ce qu'un bon transit et comment l'améliorer en cas de déséquilibre ?

What is good transit and how to improve it in the event of an imbalance?

Intestinal transit describes the work of our small intestine and our colon. Disturbed transit is a sign of discomfort (balloon
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What is intestinal transit?

Intestinal transit is linked to digestion. He describes the work carried out by our small intestine and our colon to transport the contents of the stomach to the rectum: this is elimination. Intestinal mobility is made possible thanks to peristaltic waves, this is the movement allowing the passage of food to flow through the digestive tract.

Having good transit means not having any feelings of discomfort during digestion (bloating, gas) but also not having difficulty having a bowel movement. Transit problems play a role in our overall health and can quickly complicate our lives, so we should not take them lightly!

Stools, the reflection of our health

The appearance of the stool is a reflection of our digestive health .

Stools are ¾ water. The remaining quarter is made up of biological waste and in particular bacteria, unabsorbed food residues, cells from the digestive tract and bile salts (a substance derived from cholesterol and secreted by the liver).

There color , the smell , the shape and the consistency Stools are parameters representative of our state of health and our diet.

Healthy stools are light to dark brown in color. Two bile pigments (stercobilin and urobilin) ​​resulting from the breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells are involved. The changes of color stools can be linked to diet or underlying pathologies.

The smell stools results from the fermentation of bacteria contained in the fecal matter.

There shape and the consistency Stools are classified by an international scale called the Bristol scale. Normal stools are considered sausage-shaped with a smooth or cracked appearance. Concerning the consistency, the longer the transit, the more hard and dehydrated the stools will be.

Regularity of transit

A digestive cycle (transit time) lasts approximately 24h from the entry of food into the mouth to its excretion in the form of stool. The meal spends about 4 hours in the stomach and then another 4 hours in the small intestine. This is where nutrients are absorbed. The final stay of the meal is in the colon and is fermented by our beneficial intestinal flora before defecation.

So, on average, within eight hours who follow a meal, every nutrients which have not been absorbed will be transformed into feces . They accumulate in the rectum before being eliminated.

We speak of normal transit when the number of bowel movements varies between 3 stools/day And 3 stools/week .

At both extremes: a very accelerated transit gives rise to soft or even liquid stools, we speak of diarrhea. On the other hand, a difficult and very slow transit will cause stools that are hard and difficult to excrete, this is called constipation. It is possible to have infrequent bowel movements without necessarily being constipated; in this case the main indicator is whether they are difficult to evacuate or not.

It is possible to have digestive problems occasionally, acute diarrhea and occasional constipation are temporary problems. Although they should not be taken lightly, they are not necessarily a reflection of other hidden problems either. ! However, chronic diarrhea and chronic constipation must be treated by a healthcare professional quickly.

How to facilitate transit?

A healthy diet

Good intestinal transit requires above all a healthy and balanced diet. For this, Poméol gives you the right reflexes to adopt. As a priority, reduce solid fats such as butter, margarine or meat fat. The alcohol in excess is also prohibit , its ingestion will impact the liver which is a key organ in the digestion process. Finally the processed foods and the soft drinks are also to be avoided as much as possible, favor fresh or frozen foods rather than canned and prepared meals. A good diet is the first step to improving transit.

If you have a slowdown in transit (slow transit, sluggish intestines), consider incorporating foods that promote transit which are rich in fiber insoluble. They are mainly found in the skin of fruits and vegetables , so choose to wash your fruits rather than peel them! Dried fruits, whole grains, whole grain bread are also your allies for a balanced intestinal transit.

On the contrary, if you have too rapid a transit, favor “white” or “non-wholemeal” starchy foods (pasta, rice, semolina, white bread) but also certain fruits and vegetables (bananas, pears, carrots, zucchini) preferably cooked.

To have good transit, it is also important to take the time to eat . Both for the benefits of chewing, which will facilitate the absorption of nutrients, but also to avoid the feeling of bloating and the production of gas which are the cause of digestive discomfort and occasional abdominal pain.

Good hydration

Along with eating well, it is also essential to hydrate well ! Good hydration is important in both rapid and slow transits. During diarrhea, the loss of water from the body is significant, to avoid being dehydrated you must therefore compensate for these losses. In the event of slowed transit with difficulty in excretion, water will soften the stools and facilitate their expulsion. As a reminder, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 L of water per day ! Do you often wonder what is the best water for the intestines? Choose water rich in minerals, it will help compensate for losses and support the body.

Regular physical activity

Physical activity should not be neglected to maintain good intestinal transit. The movement created by physical activity will on the one hand strengthen the abdominal belt and on the other hand, maintain intestinal contractions . The abdominal muscles have the capacity to stimulate the different organs (muscle contractions) related to digestion. No more excuses for not taking up sport ! The different hormones stimulated during physical exercise will in turn activate several reactions in the body to mobilize the intestines.

Take time for yourself

One of the keys to a good transit is to take care of yourself. THE mental and physical well-being being closely linked, it is important to adopt a healthy routine for a healthy transit. We can act on our biological clock by going to the toilets at a fixed time . Getting into this habit will gradually allow our body to get used to it and go to the bathroom at a regular time. This can relieve people who hold back from going to the toilet when the urge arises, due to a lack of comfort with their environment for example. Stress is a very important factor in the regularity of transit, it can slow down or accelerate transit depending on the person. A disturbed transit can reflect a situation or a moment in life that is a source of stress. It is therefore important to put your finger on it and focus on reducing this anxiety. Yoga and meditation are then good techniques to relax and unwind every day .

Food supplements

In addition to a healthy lifestyle including diet, hydration and physical activity, a supplementation with natural active ingredients targeted treatments can be useful to help regulate disturbed transit. Poméol developed a dietary supplement transit to provide support during its regulation. Its TransitPulse® formula improves transit after 24 hours of taking* and balances the digestive system day after day*. Its synergy of 11 plants, algae, probiotic and vitamin acts to respect your balance for a regulated and gentler transit. A helping hand aimed at all people who do not require medicinal help but who may be occasionally bothered by various digestive discomforts.  Poméol TransitPulse® acts on the regularity and quality of transit to bring comfort and serenity to the most capricious bellies!

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